Thursday, November 29, 2012

TWILIGHT changed my life.

Due to the nature of the title, I found this fitting.  
Well. Not really. But it did get me thinking.

So there I was, watching with bated breathe the last installment of the Twilight Saga. I laughed. I cried (well. I stubbed my toe during a bathroom break and my eyes sorta welled up with tears). I got angry. But most of all, I got to pondering something.

I have roughly 80 or so years of life. 18 of those daunting, awkward years are spent developing both physically and mentally (or so they say) and then I am suppose to

  1. go to some sort of school to further my education so I can someday be able to afford vacations after retirement
  2.  find a man to treat me right and donate a little swimmer to backstroke into my uterus so I can grow a large parasite with in me that will then become a larger parasite (only outside the body) and demand things for the rest of his/her life.
  3.  a combination of both. In whatever order.

Now, don't get me wrong. There is always:

4. live with my parents and do the whole online dating thing where I can photoshop myself to have bikini body (but wait! I went to school to learn photoshop.. so in this example I must have pirated a version off the Internet and taught myself) and pretend my name is Betty Boobies.

However, that option is depressing.

But what if I had a lifetime and beyond? What would I do? Would I try and make as much money as possible? Would I try and save the world?

Forever to do whatever it is you want to do. You could get a lot done.

Unfortunately, REALITY CHECK!!!: I obviously don't have forever. I don't have that option. So what can I do for the next 67 years of life? That is about 3.524e+7 minutes. 587309 hours. 24471.2 days. 3495.89 weeks and 804 months of life left. That's not factoring in cancer, heart disease, getting hit by lightening. That sort of stuff.

I guess I get that job that allows me to be an intern at a theatre. I set the goal that in roughly a year, I am going to backpack Europe. I volunteer/work at a renaissance fair. I continue my welding lessons. I paint again. I fall in love. Maybe have two point five parasites of my own and a little parasite house with a wrap around porch and a dog named... Perry. Maybe I make a difference in one persons life.

When I graduated college, I thought I had to have my life figured out. I thought that I had to grow up and start making adult decisions. I still have this idea that if I don't start making the big bucks and settle down, it will make me less of a person. But screw that. If I want to take a summer and go get me some culture, I am going to do it. If I want to volunteer in a distant land and save baby sea turtles, my bank account may starve but my soul will be filled.

Life sometimes has a giant foot that tends to like to kick you in the ass and knock you down. But I suppose you never learn to appreciate the stars unless you are on the ground, flat on your back, and looking up at the sky.

P.S. I love kids. I find them incredibly entertaining and cute.

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