Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Who are (am) you (I)... Really(?)?

Hello all.

My name is Mifkhafkah Makdfaksdfj but I suppose I can be referred to as Murdah. Keeps things simple and personal-ish as yes, that is a true nickname, but does not put my super personal shtuff out there. Not that you couldn't figure it out if you really wanted it. Privacy really is just a word and a thing of the past.

Anyways. I can't say this is the first blog I have started and will most likely not remember (it's the second, for I am not a serial blog neglector. That would be a complete waste of energy, something that I don't like to do). However, it is my attempt to document a major life decision that I made. More for myself and my entertainment. Less for yours. Sorry.

Moving on. Or back I suppose. Here is a little about muah.

The (not so) quick version is this: I started out going to college with a big white Chrysler LHS (aptly named Moby Dick) all packed up with my belongings and a horse in a horse trailer being pulled by my momma. All of this heading to College. Along the way of the five years of growing up and graduating, I work work worked. I met people, lost people, switched majors (Business to Art.  Weird, I know), sold the horse, cut the hair (Yes. I am one of those that sports the short do), went to Italy for a semester, switched the cowboy boots in for chacos, smoked some pot (key word= some), drank some beer (I am a glutard) and got a '85 subaru station wagon that taught me all about driving a manual and the importance of humility. Trying to appear attractive to men in a rust wagon with one speaker and the distinct smell of doghorseoldladysomethingdiedinagymsock was difficult. However, the beast was free and served me well for 3 years. RIP Sube.

Then, in 2012 I graduated.  I would say I had grown as a person exponentially and became a (fairly) confident, (sorta) funny, (yum) chocolate addicted, (minus 3 days a month) happy-go-lucky, (truth) weird person. I had worked for a theatre. Found my people. Realized that at least one dream of mine (besides saving sea turtles) is to create. Not like "throw paint on a canvas and call it art" kind of create, but I am talking BAM! I have officially helped make the world that you will be immersed in for the next 2 hours as you watch this beautiful performance unfold in front of your eyeballs.

Because I knew that where I was from could not give me what I needed, I moved! Montana to Portland(ish), Oregon. It was a culture shock. But amazing. It helped that I had some friends here already. Here, I can let my freak flag fly. I like it.

I suppose that is it for now. Kind of abrupt, I know. But I don't feel like typing more. I figure blogging is like exercising: if you wear yourself out, you are just going to skip it next time and reach for the nearest thing of Nutella. Which is upstairs right NOW. And I am dieting (ha).

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